L. Pugin, ‘Music Printers at Work: Comparing Editions of Marenzio's Primo libro di madrigali a quattro’, in Calcagno, M. and Cecchi, P., (Eds), Perspectives on Luca Marenzio’s Secular and Devotional Music (Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance, Collection Epitome musicale). Turnjout: Brepols Publishers, 2014, pp. 409–29.
L. Pugin, ‘Early Music Online and the Challenges of Encoding Part-Books’. In Proceedings of the The Music Encoding Conference 2013: Practicalities of Corpus Building: Creating and Exploring Digital Data, [forthcoming]. Mainz, Germany.
L. Pugin, ‘Going Digital: Finding the Right Path for Critical Music Editions’, in Boccadoro, B. and Starobinski, G., (Eds), Mélanges en l’honneur d’Etienne Darbellay. Berne: Peter Lang, 2013, pp. 247–66. [pdf]L. Pugin and T. Crawford, ‘Evaluating OMR on the Early Music Online Collection’. In Proceedings of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2013), pp. 439–44. Curitiba, Brazil. [pdf]
L .Pugin, J. Kepper, P. Roland, M. Hartwig and A. Hankinson, ‘Separating Presentation and Content in MEI’. In Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2012), pp. 505–10 Porto, Portugal. [pdf]
A. Hankinson, L. Pugin, and I. Fujinaga, ‘An Interchange Format for Optical Music Recognition Applications’. In Proceedings of the 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010), pp. 51–6. Utrecht, Netherlands. [pdf]
J.A. Burgoyne, Y. Ouyang, T. Himmelman, J. Devaney, L. Pugin, and I. Fujinaga, ‘Lyric Extraction and Recognition on digital Images of Early Music Sources’. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2009), pp. 723–7. Kobe, Japan. [pdf]
Y. Ouyang, J.A. Burgoyne, L. Pugin, and I. Fujinaga, ‘Complex Layout Analysis of Medieval Music Manuscripts for Information Extraction and Optical Recognition’. In Proceedings of the 2009 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2009), pp. 101–4. Montreal, QC, Canada.
L. Pugin, ‘Editing Renaissance Music: The Aruspix Project’. Beihefte zur Editio, Internationales Jahrbuch für Editionswissenschaften. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, [forthcoming], pp. 94–103.
L. Pugin, J. Hockman, J.A. Burgoyne, and I. Fujinaga, 'Gamera Versus Aruspix: Two Optical Music Recognition Approaches'. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2008), pp. 419-24. Philadelphia, PA. [pdf]
J.A. Burgoyne, J. Devaney, L. Pugin, and I. Fujinaga, 'Enhanced Bleedthrough Correction for Early Music Documents with Recto-Verso Registration'. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2008), pp. 407-12 . Philadelphia, PA. [pdf]
L. Pugin, J.A. Burgoyne, and I. Fujinaga, 'MAP Adaptation to Improve Optical Music Recognition of Early Music Documents Using Hidden Markov Models'. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2007), pp. 513-16. Vienna, Austria. [pdf]
J.A. Burgoyne, L. Pugin, G. Eustace, and I. Fujinaga, 'A Comparative Survey of Image Binarisation Algorithms for Optical Recognition on Degraded Musical Sources', in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2007), pp. 509-12. Vienna, Austria. [pdf]
L. Pugin, J.A. Burgoyne, and I. Fujinaga, 'Reducing Costs for Digitising Early Music with Dynamic Adaptation'. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL 2007), pp. 471-74. Budapest, Hungary. [pdf]
L. Pugin, J.A. Burgoyne, and I. Fujinaga, 'Goal-Directed Evaluation for the Improvement of Optical Music Recognition on Early Music Prints'. In Proceedings of the ACM-IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2007), pp. 303-04. Vancouver, Canada. [pdf]
L. Pugin, 'Representation and Dissemination of Music : Early Typographic Prints and Digitalization', in Walton, C., and Muller, S., (Eds), Contemporary Classical Music: Papers of the 2006 Intercongressional Symposium of the International Musicological Society. Pretoria: Unisa Press, [forthcoming].
L. Pugin, ‘Optical Music Recognition of Early Typographic Prints using Hidden Markov Models’, 7th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR’06), Victoria, Canada, October 2006. [pdf]
L. Pugin, Lecture et traitement informatique de typographies musicales anciennes: un logiciel de reconnaissance de partitions par modèles de Markov cachés. Department of Musicology, Geneva University Faculty of Arts, Switzerland. PhD thesis, 2006.
L. Pugin, ‘Aruspix: an Automatic Source-Comparison System’ in : Hewlett, W. B. and Selfridge-Field, E. (Eds.), Music Analysis East and West (Computing in Musicology vol. 14). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006, pp. 49-60.
L. Pugin, Réalisation d'un système de superposition de partitions de musique anciennes. Faculty of Science, Geneva University, Switzerland. Computing BSc dissertation, 2001.
‘The Marenzio Project’, Early Music in the Digital Domain at Columbia University and Beyond. New York City, October 2014, with Mauro Calcagno and Giuseppe Gerbino.
‘Aruspix – A Software Suite and its Applications’, Music Printing and Publishing in Modern Italy: New Approaches, International Workshop. Venice, February 2014.
‘Looking at Printed Music Anthologies in the Context of Digitization’, SIMSSA 3rd Workshop. Montreal, Canada, September 2013.
‘New Digital Projects for the Study and Dissemination of Medieval and Renaissance Music’ (Panel), American Musicological Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, November 2012.
‘Recognition of EMO vocal music with Aruspix’, “Unlocking historical musical resources”, International Workshop at the British Library, London, September 2012.
‘Un ordinateur peut-il comprendre les règles de la notation mensuraliste?’, La nature de la partition: penser la notation en musique et en danse (journée d’étude), Geneva University, May 2012.
‘Digital Editions for Renaissance Music: Challenges and Perspectives’, Stony Brook University (NY), March 2011.
‘What Can We do with a Diplomatic Transcription Linked to the Original Image?’, Renaissance Society of America, Montreal, March 2011.
Presentation at the Knowledge Representation for Intelligent Music Processing Seminar, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, January 2009.
L. Pugin, J.A. Burgoyne, and I. Fujinaga, ‘Optical Music Recognition to Digitise Early Music Collections on a Library Scale’, International IAML Annual Conference, Naples, Italy, July 2008.
L. Pugin, ‘Variants in Renaissance Music Sources: the Aruspix-Project’, Digital Editing between Experiment and Standardization, International Conference, Paderborn, Germany, December 2007.
L. Pugin, J.A. Burgoyne, D. Eck, and I. Fujinaga, ‘Book-Adaptive and Book-Dependant Models to Accelerate Digitalization of Early Music’, NIPS 2007 Workshop on Music, Brain and Cognition, Whistler, Canada, December 2007.
Presentation at the IMS Study Group on Musical Data and Computer Applications, Zurich, Switzerland, July 2007.
L. Pugin, ‘Computer Software for Early Music Editions: A New Approach’, Music, Poetry and Patronage in Late Renaissance Italy: Luca Marenzio and the Madrigal, International Conference, Harvard University, USA, April 2006.
Presentation at the conference Luca Marenzio e il madrigale romano, Accademia di Santa Cecilia, Roma, Italy, September 2005.
Presentation at the IMS Study Group on Musical Data and Computer Applications, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, August 2002.